<transcy>Hello and Welcome! I'm Miguel...</transcy>
Gracias por estar aquí, me da mucho gusto conocerte. Quiero decirte que puedo entender que estés pasando por un momento especial o difícil, que a veces la vida nos presenta situaciones complicadas y que es normal. No estás sol@, no todo está perdido, estás a punto de entrar a un espacio donde volverás a encontrarte, quererte y aceptarte.
Llegó el momento de CONECTAR CONTIGO.
¿Cómo saber si necesito Terapia?
* If you try to change and you don't succeed * Your level of stress doesn't go down * You have repetitive thoughts * It is very difficult for you to concentrate * You worry about everything and all the time * The relationship with your partner is not going well * You find it very difficult to express your feelings * Your aggressiveness is high * Loneliness weighs you down * You criticize yourself frequently * You don't know how to set boundaries * You don't get over someone or something * You are afraid of something or someone * You spend all your time thinking about the way to face life
1. You contact me through: WhatsApp, Mail,Facebook in Spanish or Facebook in English. 2. We will have an initial conversation to get to know you, for you to get to know me and understand the situation you are going through. 3. I offer you a session of 50 minutes completely FREE. 4. If you are willing to continue this accompaniment together, select one of our plans. 5. It's time to CONNECT WITH YOU.
Te ofrezco acompañamiento terapéutico presencial o en línea, en la comodidad de tu hogar, en completa confianza y a un precio menor a la terapia presencial
I found my husband again thanks to Miguel's help, today my marriage is in its best stage.
I'm very happy!
Samantha P.
Miguel helped me identify my fears, to understand them and guide them in the best way, I thought I would never achieve it.
Thank you very much Miguel!
Andrea J.
I have trusted myself again, today I feel that my self-esteem has been strengthened and I feel more in control of myself.
Thank you Miguel!
Antonio L.
I finally came out of the lethargy I was in, I'm back to being me, my friends are back and I'm better than ever at my job.
Miguel, you are the best!
Omar Z.
I finally overcame the departure of my son, undoubtedly the worst suffering I have ever experienced, but with Miguel's help; I have found a new meaning of life for myself and my family.
Esther G.
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